Side Hustles for Teachers

Side Hustles for Teachers – Practical and viable options to make money

Side hustles for teachers are becoming increasingly essential in the modern educational landscape due to ongoing inflation. Teachers, driven by their passion for teaching, are exploring various opportunities to supplement their income while utilizing their educational skills and expertise. We have listed down various side hustles for teachers in which they can utilize their skill set to make money.

48 Side Hustles for Teachers

1. Online or In-Person Tutoring

As a teacher, you can leverage your expertise to tutor students in various subjects. You can work for local tutoring companies, post your services on social media or neighborhood groups, or explore online tutoring platforms like Cambly. Online tutoring offers the flexibility to set your own schedule and help students achieve their language goals.

Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on your location and experience, but online tutors can earn between $15 to $30 per hour.

Getting Started: Join tutoring companies, create an online presence, or sign up on tutoring platforms. Highlight your teaching experience and subject expertise in your profiles to attract students.

2. Test Preparation

Specialized companies like PrepNow and Varsity Tutors focus on preparing students for standardized tests such as SAT and ACT. These companies often provide a standardized curriculum, making your job easier.

Your teaching skills can help students excel in standardized tests by offering structured test preparation sessions.

Earning Potential: Compensation varies but typically ranges from $20 to $50 per hour.

Getting Started: Apply to test preparation companies or create your own test prep services for local students. Familiarize yourself with the test formats and materials.

3. Standardized Test Administrator

Test administrators ensure the proper conduct of exams, secure test materials, and submit them for grading. Some opportunities allow you to proctor exams from home, making it a convenient side job for teachers.

Earning Potential: Salaries vary by location, but it can range from $10.50 to $14 per hour.

Getting Started: Check your state’s testing service website for requirements and apply to become a test administrator.

4. Adjunct Community College Professor

Teaching as an adjunct professor at a community college provides an opportunity to continue educating and positively impact students’ lives.

Your teaching experience and educational background are valuable assets for this role.

Earning Potential: Adjunct faculty can earn between $20,000 and $25,000 annually, depending on the institution and experience.

Getting Started: Research local colleges’ education requirements, choose your area of expertise, meet with other professors, and apply for adjunct positions.

5. Tour Guide

If you live in a historically rich area, become a tour guide to share your knowledge and passion with visitors. It’s an excellent way to explore your city and improve your public speaking skills.

Earning Potential: Rates vary based on location and the length of tours, with some opportunities allowing you to set your own rates.

Getting Started: Join peer-to-peer guide platforms like Tours by Locals or Shiroube, or contact local organizations and attractions to inquire about job openings.

6. Participate in Focus Groups

Participating in focus groups can be a lucrative side hustle. Your earnings depend on the duration of the group and whether it’s conducted online or in-person.

Your communication and analytical skills from teaching can be valuable in providing feedback during focus group sessions.

Earning Potential: Earnings vary, but you can earn a decent amount depending on the length and type of focus group. Explore how you can make $100 per hour just by sharing your opinion.

Getting Started: Look for focus group opportunities online or through local market research firms. Sign up for reputable platforms that connect participants with available studies.

7. Create an Informative Website

Building an informative website through blogging is an excellent way to earn money while sharing your knowledge and passion. Whether you enjoy writing about teaching tips, personal experiences, or a niche interest, blogging can be both creative and profitable. You have the freedom to work from anywhere and set your own schedule.

Teachers can leverage their expertise in education to create valuable content that resonates with fellow educators, students, or enthusiasts. Share your insights, lesson plans, or educational resources to engage your audience.

Average Earning Potential: Income from blogging varies based on your niche and website traffic. Delilah Orpi, a former teacher, reported earning $8,000 per month from her blog about curly hair. However, earnings can range widely, with some bloggers making a few hundred dollars per month to others generating a full-time income.

Getting Started:

  1. Choose a niche or topic you’re passionate about.
  2. Purchase a domain name and hosting for your website.
  3. Create high-quality, informative content regularly.
  4. Promote your blog through social media, SEO, and networking to increase traffic and monetization opportunities.

8. Remote Bookkeeping

Remote bookkeeping is not limited to math teachers; anyone with an affinity for numbers and a curiosity about business operations can excel in this side hustle. Virtual bookkeepers like Kate Johnson can earn around $60 per hour or more. Interestingly, there are no formal certifications required to start this profession.

Teachers often possess strong organizational and attention-to-detail skills, which are crucial for bookkeeping. Additionally, a background in education equips you with discipline and time management, valuable assets in this role.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings in remote bookkeeping can vary depending on the complexity of the work and your level of expertise. However, the average hourly rate is around $60.

Getting Started:

  1. Educate yourself on bookkeeping principles and software.
  2. Consider taking an online bookkeeping course to enhance your knowledge.
  3. Build a professional website or online profile to showcase your services.
  4. Offer your bookkeeping services to local businesses or find remote opportunities through freelancing platforms.

9. Self-Publishing

If you have a passion for writing stories, self-publishing your own books on platforms like Amazon can be a lucrative side hustle. Traditional publishers are no longer a barrier, allowing you to share your creativity with the world.

Teachers have excellent writing and storytelling skills, which can translate into successful self-published books. Your educational background can also help you craft informative or instructional content.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from self-publishing can vary widely, but with dedication and a strong marketing strategy, some authors have earned substantial royalties, even surpassing $75,000 in their lifetime.

Getting Started:

  1. Write and edit your book.
  2. Create an eye-catching book cover and format your manuscript.
  3. Publish your book on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
  4. Promote your book through social media, book launch events, and book review platforms to reach a broader audience.

10. Voiceover Work

Voiceover acting offers teachers an opportunity to get paid for their speaking skills. With the right equipment, you can perform voiceover work from the comfort of your home during your spare time.

Teachers are accustomed to effective communication and clear articulation, making them well-suited for voiceover work. Any acting experience you may have can be a valuable asset in this field.

Average Earning Potential: Voice actors can earn anywhere from $100 for short recordings to up to $3,000 for audiobooks, depending on the project’s complexity and their experience.

Getting Started:

  1. Invest in quality recording equipment, including a microphone and soundproofing materials.
  2. Create a professional demo reel showcasing your voice talents.
  3. Explore voiceover job opportunities on platforms like Voices or ACX.
  4. Build a portfolio and network with clients to secure consistent voiceover gigs.

11. YouTube Channel Host

YouTube’s popularity presents a significant opportunity for teachers to share their knowledge and reach a global audience. You can create educational content, tutorials, or subject-specific lessons and monetize your channel.

Your expertise as a teacher allows you to deliver informative and engaging content. You can leverage your teaching skills to simplify complex topics and connect with viewers.

Average Earning Potential: YouTube earnings depend on factors such as views, ad revenue, and sponsorships. Successful educational channels can generate substantial income over time.

Getting Started:

  1. Identify your niche or subject area for your YouTube channel.
  2. Create high-quality video content with clear explanations and visuals.
  3. Promote your channel through social media and collaborate with other educators.
  4. Enable monetization options on your channel and explore sponsorship opportunities.

12. Podcasting

Podcasting provides a platform for teachers to share their expertise, experiences, or insights with a dedicated audience. While it may take time to build a substantial following, it can become a rewarding and income-generating venture.

Teachers’ ability to communicate effectively and educate others is a natural fit for podcasting. Share your unique perspectives and knowledge through engaging audio content.

Average Earning Potential: Podcast earnings can vary, but revenue can come from sponsorships, advertising, and membership communities. Some podcasters have reported substantial income after building a dedicated listener base.

Getting Started:

  1. Define your podcast’s niche or theme.
  2. Invest in quality recording equipment and software for professional sound.
  3. Plan and create episodes with engaging content.
  4. Promote your podcast through social media, podcast directories, and guest appearances on other podcasts.

13. Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program is an excellent side hustle for teachers like Tyler Christensen, who have a background in education. In this program, you create short video product reviews of items available on Amazon. Amazon then showcases your videos on the relevant product pages, and you earn a small commission when someone purchases the product after watching your video.

Teachers can leverage their communication skills to create engaging and informative video reviews. Their ability to explain and educate about products can be appealing to potential buyers.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings can vary but can reach up to $2,000 per month, even when done part-time, as reported by Tyler Christensen. Your earnings depend on the popularity of your reviews and the products you promote.

Getting Started:

  1. Build an online presence by creating social media profiles or a YouTube channel focused on product reviews.
  2. Apply for the Amazon Influencer Program and start creating video reviews of products you use and believe in.
  3. Promote your videos through social media and engage with your audience to build a following.
  4. Track your commissions and continuously improve your content to attract more viewers and potential buyers.

14. Teach Swim Lessons or Become a Lifeguard

Teaching swim lessons or working as a lifeguard is a great side hustle for teachers who enjoy swimming. These roles can fit well into your schedule and provide opportunities to spend time in the water.

Teachers have strong communication skills and can effectively instruct and ensure the safety of swimmers. Their background in education makes them reliable and responsible candidates for these positions.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary by location and employer, but you can earn competitive rates, especially for private swimming lessons.

Getting Started:

  1. Obtain the necessary certifications, such as lifeguarding or swim instructor certifications.
  2. Apply to work for local recreation departments, swimming clubs, community pools, or offer private swimming lessons.
  3. Promote your services within your community or through online platforms.
  4. Maintain updated certifications and continuously improve your swimming and teaching skills.

15. Teach English as a Second Language (ESL)

Teaching English as a second language is a viable side hustle option, even with recent changes in the market. Companies like VIPKid and Qkids still offer opportunities for online ESL tutoring, primarily working with children in China.

Teachers are well-equipped to teach language skills and facilitate effective communication. Their pedagogical experience can enhance students’ language learning.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on the company and the number of hours you commit. However, ESL tutors can earn competitive hourly rates.

Getting Started:

  1. Research and apply to reputable online ESL companies like VIPKid or Qkids.
  2. Prepare teaching materials and create a conducive online teaching environment.
  3. Conduct engaging and interactive lessons to help students improve their English language skills.
  4. Build a positive reputation by consistently delivering high-quality lessons and meeting students’ learning objectives.

16. Offer Online Classes

Offer online classes through platforms like Skillshare or Dabble to share your expertise and experiences with a global audience. This side hustle involves creating and teaching courses on subjects you’re passionate about.

Teachers possess extensive knowledge and teaching skills, making them ideal instructors for online classes. They can effectively convey information and engage learners.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings depend on the popularity of your courses and the number of students enrolled. Successful online instructors can earn a substantial income over time.

Getting Started:

  1. Choose a niche or subject area you are knowledgeable and passionate about.
  2. Create and structure your online course content, including videos, assignments, and resources.
  3. Sign up as an instructor on platforms like Skillshare or Dabble.
  4. Promote your courses through social media, email marketing, and collaborations to attract students.

17. Coach or Supervise Extracurricular Activities

Many schools offer opportunities for teachers to coach or supervise extracurricular activities, which can be a rewarding side hustle. These roles can include coaching sports teams, leading clubs, or overseeing special projects.

Teachers’ experience in mentoring and guiding students makes them well-suited for coaching and supervisory roles. Their passion for education can inspire and motivate students in extracurricular activities.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the specific role and school district, but teachers can earn additional income for their time and expertise.

Getting Started:

  1. Explore opportunities within your school or district for coaching or supervisory positions.
  2. Identify your areas of interest and expertise to align with available roles.
  3. Apply for the positions and undergo any required training or certifications.
  4. Enjoy the satisfaction of guiding and mentoring students in extracurricular activities while earning extra income.

18. Market Your Own Website

If you have an existing website, you can monetize it through affiliate programs like ShareASale or MaxBounty. These programs allow you to earn money by promoting ads and affiliate offers on your website.

Teachers can leverage their ability to create informative and engaging content on their websites. Their expertise can attract an audience interested in educational or niche topics.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from affiliate marketing depend on website traffic and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Successful website owners can generate a steady stream of passive income.

Getting Started:

  1. Join affiliate marketing programs like ShareASale or MaxBounty.
  2. Identify relevant affiliate products or services that align with your website’s content and audience.
  3. Create high-quality content that includes affiliate links and promotes the products or services.
  4. Promote your website through SEO, social media, and email marketing to increase traffic and conversions.

19. Babysitting or Part-Time Nannying

Babysitting or working as a part-time nanny is an ideal side hustle for teachers due to their extensive experience with children. You can offer your childcare services to local families, and your teaching background can give you an edge, allowing you to ask for higher rates.

Teachers possess valuable skills in child care, including patience, communication, and educational engagement. They can create a safe and nurturing environment for children while also assisting with homework and educational activities.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on location and the number of hours worked, but teachers can command competitive rates for their childcare services.

Getting Started:

  1. Reach out to your local connections and let them know about your babysitting or nanny services.
  2. Create a profile on websites like to connect with potential clients.
  3. Obtain any necessary certifications or clearances required for childcare in your area.
  4. Build a positive reputation by providing excellent care and nurturing relationships with the children and their families.

20. Pet-Sitting or Dog Walking

Pet-sitting and dog walking are great side hustles, especially for teachers who love animals. You can find local pet-sitting opportunities, and platforms like Rover and Wag connect pet sitters with pet owners seeking these services.

Teachers’ nurturing and responsible nature translates well to pet care. Their reliability and attention to detail make them trustworthy choices for pet owners.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on location and services offered. Pet sitters can earn income by hosting pets at their own homes or visiting clients’ homes for pet care.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up on platforms like Rover or Wag to create a pet-sitting or dog-walking profile.
  2. Offer a range of services, including pet-sitting, dog walking, and pet boarding, if applicable.
  3. Set competitive rates based on your area’s market and the services you provide.
  4. Promote your services through online platforms, social media, and word-of-mouth to attract pet owners.

21. User Testing

User testing involves providing feedback to websites and companies by testing their products, reading their content, or evaluating their services. It connects individuals with companies seeking real user feedback.

Teachers’ analytical and communication skills make them effective user testers. Their ability to provide constructive feedback is valuable for improving products and services.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on the length and complexity of user testing assignments. Compensation can range from a few dollars to more substantial payments for more in-depth evaluations.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up on user testing platforms such as or Userlytics.
  2. Complete your user profile and provide demographic information to match with suitable testing opportunities.
  3. Participate in testing assignments, follow instructions carefully, and provide detailed feedback.
  4. Build a reputation as a reliable and insightful user tester to receive more testing opportunities.

22. Work with Local Home schools

Teachers can offer their expertise to local homeschooling families by teaching classes, overseeing students’ progress, or providing annual evaluations. This side hustle allows you to support homeschooling efforts in your community.

Teachers have a wealth of educational knowledge and experience, making them valuable resources for homeschooling families. Their ability to design effective lessons and assessments is an asset in this role.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the services offered and the number of homeschooling families you work with. Rates can be determined on a per-hour or per-service basis.

Getting Started:

  1. Research local homeschooling groups and organizations in your area.
  2. Reach out to homeschooling families and offer your services, such as teaching specific subjects or conducting evaluations.
  3. Stay updated on homeschooling laws and requirements in your state to ensure compliance.
  4. Build a network within the homeschooling community to expand your client base and reputation.

23. Publish an E-Book

If you have valuable educational content or curriculum materials, consider publishing an e-book. Share your knowledge and expertise while generating income by making your work available on platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing.

Teachers can leverage their expertise to create comprehensive and insightful e-books. Their ability to organize information and explain concepts makes their e-books appealing to a broad audience.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from e-books can vary, but some authors have earned substantial royalties, depending on the demand for their content and marketing efforts.

Getting Started:

  • Write and edit your e-book, ensuring it provides value to your target audience.
  • Create an account on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or other e-book publishing platforms.
  • Format your e-book according to platform guidelines and upload it.
  • Set a competitive price, create a compelling book description, and implement effective marketing strategies to reach potential readers.

24. Open an Etsy Shop

Teachers with artistic or crafty talents can monetize their skills by opening an Etsy shop. Etsy is an online marketplace where you can sell handmade or unique products.

Teachers who are naturally crafty can create and sell a wide range of items on Etsy. Their attention to detail and creativity can lead to successful product offerings.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings on Etsy vary based on the products you sell and your marketing efforts. Successful shop owners can generate a steady stream of income.

Getting Started:

  • Identify your niche or craft specialty to focus your Etsy shop’s offerings.
  • Create high-quality, unique products that stand out in the marketplace.
  • Set up your Etsy shop, including designing a shop banner, writing product descriptions, and setting competitive prices.
  • Promote your shop through social media, Etsy SEO, and engaging with potential customers to increase visibility and sales.

25.  Sell Crafts Locally

Instead of opening an Etsy shop, teachers can sell their crafted items at local craft fairs and farmers markets. This side hustle allows you to showcase your creations without the need for online marketing and shipping hassles. Simply rent a booth, display your merchandise, and connect with potential customers in person.

Teachers can leverage their creativity and crafting skills to produce unique and appealing products. Additionally, their ability to engage with customers and explain the story behind each craft can enhance sales.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the products sold and the popularity of the local events. Crafters can generate income from selling handmade items, with potential for significant profits at larger fairs.

Getting Started:

  • Identify local craft fairs, farmers markets, or community events in your area.
  • Create a diverse range of high-quality crafts or handmade products.
  • Reserve a booth or space at the chosen event and set up an attractive display.
  • Interact with customers, offer personalized recommendations, and share the story behind your crafts to increase sales.

26. Transcribe or Caption Audio

Transcribing or captioning audio is a flexible work-from-home side hustle. Companies like Rev hire individuals to transcribe or add captions to audio content. The faster and more accurate your typing skills, the higher your earning potential. Knowledge of foreign languages can also lead to additional income by providing subtitles for videos.

Teachers can leverage their strong typing skills, attention to detail, and language proficiency to excel in transcription and captioning roles. Their ability to follow instructions and maintain accuracy is crucial in this field.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the volume and complexity of the audio content transcribed. Skilled transcribers can earn competitive rates, with additional earnings for multilingual capabilities.

Getting Started:

  • Sign up with transcription and captioning platforms like Rev.
  • Complete the required assessments to demonstrate your typing accuracy.
  • Start accepting transcription assignments and follow style guidelines provided by the platform.
  • Build a reputation for delivering high-quality work to secure more transcription opportunities.

27. Do Handy Work

Teachers with skills in plumbing, carpentry, or general repair can offer their handyman services to those in need. Platforms like Angi Services connect service providers with local job opportunities.

Teachers with hands-on skills can leverage their expertise in plumbing, carpentry, or repairs to provide valuable services to homeowners. Their problem-solving abilities and attention to detail make them reliable handymen.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the type and complexity of the tasks performed. Handy workers can earn competitive rates for their services, with the potential to take on multiple jobs.

Getting Started:

  1. Register with platforms like Angi Services to access job listings in your area.
  2. Create a professional profile highlighting your skills and experience.
  3. Bid on relevant job opportunities and communicate with potential clients.
  4. Provide high-quality service, build a positive reputation, and ask satisfied clients for referrals.

28. Organize People’s Stuff

Inspired by Marie Kondo’s organization principles, teachers can start a side business helping individuals add structure and order to their lives. Focus on taking on a few clients initially and gradually expand. You can advertise your services in local neighborhood groups or professional networks.

Teachers’ organizational skills, attention to detail, and patience are assets in this side hustle. Their ability to create efficient and clutter-free spaces can transform clients’ lives.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the scope and complexity of organizing projects. Organizers can charge hourly rates or project-based fees, with the potential to earn more as their reputation grows.

Getting Started:

  1. Create a portfolio showcasing before-and-after photos of organizing projects.
  2. Advertise your services in local neighborhood groups, social media, and professional networks.
  3. Offer free initial consultations to assess clients’ needs and provide quotes.
  4. Deliver efficient and satisfying organizing solutions to build a client base and receive referrals.

29. Be a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants provide various administrative services to businesses or individuals, such as accounting, appointment scheduling, or email management. This side hustle allows you to assist others remotely, making it suitable for teachers who enjoy working with people and can provide valuable support.

Teachers can utilize their organizational skills, attention to detail, and time management to excel as virtual assistants. Their ability to handle tasks efficiently and communicate effectively is beneficial in this role.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on the tasks and the number of clients served. Virtual assistants can charge hourly rates or offer packages based on their services.

Getting Started:

  1. Identify your skills and services you can offer as a virtual assistant.
  2. Create a professional online presence, including a website or social media profiles.
  3. Reach out to local businesses or professionals who may need virtual assistance.
  4. Establish clear agreements with clients, including tasks, timelines, and compensation.

30. Work as a Local Tour Guide

Teachers can leverage their leadership and speaking skills by working as local tour guides. Explore opportunities with existing tour companies in your city or neighborhood, or consider starting your own tour business. Lead brewery tours, foodie events, historical walks, or other thematic tours to earn extra income.

Teachers’ ability to communicate effectively and engage with audiences makes them excellent tour guides. Their knowledge of local history and culture can enhance the tour experience.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on the type and duration of tours offered. Tour guides can earn fees or tips from participants, with the potential for higher income during peak tourism seasons.

Getting Started:

  1. Research existing local tour companies and their offerings.
  2. Apply for tour guide positions or explore the requirements for starting your own tour business.
  3. Design engaging and informative tour itineraries based on your expertise and interests.
  4. Promote your tours through local tourism boards, social media, and word-of-mouth to attract participants.

31. Explore FlexJobs

FlexJobs is a platform that provides access to a wide range of remote part-time job opportunities for teachers. It offers various job categories, including accounting, writing, data entry, and graphic design, allowing educators to find flexible side jobs that match their skills and interests.

Teachers can leverage their organizational, communication, and time management skills to excel in remote part-time positions available on FlexJobs. Their educational background and adaptability make them well-suited for various roles.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings on FlexJobs vary depending on the specific job and its requirements. Teachers can find part-time positions that offer competitive compensation.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up on the FlexJobs platform and create a profile.
  2. Browse job listings and filter for part-time or remote opportunities that align with your skills and interests.
  3. Prepare a tailored resume and cover letter for job applications.
  4. Apply for positions that match your qualifications and preferences.

32. Write for WeAreTeachers

WeAreTeachers is a platform that welcomes freelance writers, including educators, to contribute articles and get paid for their work. Writers can pitch strong article ideas and become familiar with the site’s content to ensure their submissions align with the platform’s needs.

Teachers possess valuable insights and experiences in education, making them excellent contributors to WeAreTeachers. Their ability to share practical tips, classroom strategies, and engaging stories can resonate with the platform’s audience.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from writing for WeAreTeachers depend on the number of articles published and their quality. Writers receive compensation for accepted articles.

Getting Started:

  1. Familiarize yourself with WeAreTeachers’ content and audience to identify relevant article ideas.
  2. Craft a compelling article pitch that addresses an educational topic not already covered on the site.
  3. Submit your pitch to WeAreTeachers and await approval.
  4. Write and submit your article based on the platform’s guidelines and receive compensation upon acceptance.

33. Explore Freelance Writing Gigs

Freelance writing offers teachers the opportunity to work with various companies and organizations on writing assignments. These assignments may not always result in a byline but can provide additional income. Platforms like Fiverr or Guru connect freelance writers with potential clients seeking writing services.

Teachers can use their strong writing and communication skills to excel as freelance writers. Their ability to research, write clearly, and meet deadlines is highly valuable in this field.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings as a freelance writer vary based on the volume and complexity of projects. Writers can set their rates or negotiate fees with clients, which can range from small assignments to more substantial projects.

Getting Started:

  1. Create a profile on freelance platforms like Fiverr or Guru, highlighting your writing skills and expertise.
  2. Browse job listings and submit proposals for writing gigs that match your interests and qualifications.
  3. Communicate with potential clients to understand project requirements and negotiate terms.
  4. Deliver high-quality work and build a portfolio to attract more clients and opportunities.

34. Teach Fitness Classes

Teachers with a passion for fitness can become certified in disciplines like yoga, Pilates, or other fitness areas. They can then teach fitness classes during evenings or early mornings throughout the school year, offering a year-round source of income.

side hustles for teachers

Teachers can power their commitment, discipline, and instructional abilities to excel as fitness instructors. Their experience in managing classroom dynamics translates well to leading fitness classes.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings as a fitness instructor depend on factors like class size, location, and certification level. Instructors can earn competitive rates per class.

Getting Started:

  1. Choose a fitness discipline you are passionate about and become certified through a reputable program.
  2. Create a fitness class schedule that aligns with your availability outside of school hours.
  3. Promote your classes through local advertising, social media, and fitness community networks.
  4. Offer high-quality, engaging fitness sessions to build a loyal clientele and increase your income.

35. Teach Summer School

 Teaching summer school is a natural side hustle for educators, providing an opportunity to earn extra income during the summer break. Many schools offer summer school programs with shorter time commitments. If your school doesn’t have summer school openings, consider checking nearby schools for opportunities.

Teachers can make use of their teaching expertise and classroom management skills in summer school settings. Their familiarity with curriculum and instructional methods is valuable for helping students catch up or get ahead.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from teaching summer school vary based on the school district, grade level, and hours worked. Teachers can earn additional income during the summer months.

Getting Started:

  1. Check with your current school district for summer school openings and requirements.
  2. If your school doesn’t offer summer school, explore neighboring school districts for teaching opportunities.
  3. Prepare summer school lesson plans and materials to align with the curriculum.
  4. Apply for summer school teaching positions, attend any required training, and provide effective instruction during the program.

36. Share Your Thoughts on EdTech

TinkerEd offers educators the opportunity to provide feedback and insights on educational technology in development. By sharing your thoughts, you can have a hand in shaping the tools that students will use in the classroom while earning extra income.

Teachers can develop their firsthand experience with educational technology and their understanding of classroom needs to provide valuable feedback. Their insights into how technology can enhance learning are crucial for developers.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary depending on the projects and feedback opportunities available. Compensation may be provided per feedback session or based on the scope of involvement.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up on the TinkerEd platform and create a profile.
  2. Explore the available feedback opportunities and projects.
  3. Participate in feedback sessions and share your thoughts on educational technology.
  4. Receive compensation for your contributions to the development of educational tools.

37. Sell Your Lesson Plans

Selling lesson plans is a top side hustle for teachers. TeachersPayTeachers (TPT) is a leading marketplace where educators can legally sell lesson plans and educational resources to other teachers. It not only saves colleagues time but also benefits students by providing well-structured lesson materials.

Teachers can utilize their expertise in curriculum development and educational content creation. Their ability to design effective lesson plans is highly valued by fellow educators.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from selling lesson plans on TPT vary depending on the quality and popularity of the materials. Successful sellers can generate significant income.

Getting Started:

  1. Create a seller account on TeachersPayTeachers and complete your profile.
  2. Develop high-quality lesson plans, worksheets, or educational resources.
  3. List your products on the platform with detailed descriptions and pricing.
  4. Promote your materials within the TPT community and through social media to reach a broader audience.

38. Be a Part-Time Tutor

 Being a part-time tutor allows teachers to continue teaching in their spare time and earn extra income. Tutors can provide one-on-one or small-group instruction in subjects like math and science, with the potential to earn $30 or more per hour.

Teachers can leverage their teaching expertise, subject knowledge, and classroom experience to excel as tutors. Their ability to explain complex concepts and adapt to individual student needs is a significant advantage.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings as a part-time tutor depend on the number of hours worked and the subject matter. Tutors can earn a substantial monthly income with just a few hours of tutoring each week.

Getting Started:

  1. Determine the subjects or areas you are qualified to tutor.
  2. Create a tutor profile on platforms like Wyzant or use apps like Steady to find tutoring opportunities in your area.
  3. Set competitive rates based on your qualifications and local market conditions.
  4. Schedule tutoring sessions with students and provide effective instruction to help them succeed.

39. Offer Proofreading or Editorial Support

Teachers with strong language and editing skills can offer proofreading and editorial support services to companies in need of content review. This side hustle is ideal for English teachers, and online platforms like Fiverr provide opportunities to find proofreading gigs.

Teachers can leverage their mastery of language, grammar, and writing to excel in proofreading and editing roles. Attention to detail and an eye for clarity are essential skills.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from proofreading and editorial support vary based on the volume and complexity of projects. Freelance editors can charge per project or by the hour.

Getting Started:

  1. Create a profile on freelancing platforms like Fiverr.
  2. Showcase your proofreading skills and specify your areas of expertise.
  3. Bid on proofreading projects or wait for clients to reach out to you.
  4. Deliver high-quality proofreading and editing services to clients, building a positive reputation for future work.

40. Take Surveys for Money

 Teachers can earn extra income by participating in online survey sites like Inbox Dollars, Branded Surveys, Swagbucks, and Survey Junkie. These platforms offer rewards for activities such as watching videos, reading emails, and sharing opinions about products and services.

Teachers can leverage their analytical and critical thinking skills to provide valuable feedback in surveys. Their opinions and insights can influence market research.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from survey sites may not be substantial individually but can accumulate over time. Teachers can redeem rewards for gift cards, cash, or other incentives.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up for online survey sites that align with your preferences.
  2. Complete your profile to receive relevant survey opportunities.
  3. Participate in surveys, watch videos, and engage in other activities to earn rewards.
  4. Redeem rewards for cash or gift cards and continue participating in surveys during free time.

41. Offer Caregiving Services

 Teachers can transition their childcare and caregiving skills to offer services outside of the classroom. Platforms like connect caregivers with opportunities to help the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with children. Pet care gigs are also available for animal lovers.

Teachers’ experience working with children and their nurturing qualities make them excellent caregivers. Their patience and responsibility are assets in caregiving roles.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from caregiving services vary based on the type and duration of care provided. Caregivers can set their rates and negotiate compensation.

Getting Started:

  1. Create a caregiver profile on platforms like
  2. Specify the types of caregiving services you can offer, whether it’s childcare, elder care, or pet care.
  3. Complete background checks and provide references if required.
  4. Connect with families or individuals seeking caregiving services and provide compassionate care as needed.

42. Work in an After-School Program

 Teachers can earn extra income by working in after-school programs or on weekends. Opportunities include helping students with homework, overseeing detention, or assisting with Saturday school. These sessions offer a more relaxed environment for teachers to connect with students.

Teachers can leverage their classroom management and student interaction skills in after-school programs. Their familiarity with the curriculum allows them to provide effective homework assistance.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings vary based on the hours worked and specific responsibilities. Rates are typically hourly or per session.

Getting Started:

  1. Inquire with your school or district about after-school program openings.
  2. Apply for positions that align with your availability and skills.
  3. Participate in after-school sessions and engage with students while earning extra income.

43. Sell Designs on Merch by Amazon

Merch by Amazon is a platform for teachers with creative talents to design and sell artwork for various products like t-shirts, mugs, and prints. Artists receive royalties when their designs are used, allowing them to monetize their creativity without dealing with physical merchandise.

Teachers can leverage their artistic and creative abilities to design appealing artwork. Their unique perspectives and educational themes can make their designs stand out.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings on Merch by Amazon depend on the popularity of designs and sales volume. Successful artists can earn royalties on ongoing sales.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up for an account on Merch by Amazon.
  2. Create and upload your unique designs to the platform.
  3. Set pricing and product availability for your designs.
  4. Promote your designs to generate sales and increase your royalty income.

44. Coach a Sports Team

Teachers with a sports background and a passion for coaching can earn extra income by coaching local youth or high school sports teams. Opportunities exist for various sports, such as softball, basketball, and football.

Teachers can leverage their knowledge of sports, coaching experience, and ability to mentor young athletes. Their guidance can help students improve their skills and teamwork.

Average Earning Potential: Coaching earnings vary based on experience, the school’s budget, and commitment level. Coaches can negotiate compensation with the school or organization.

Getting Started:

  1. Check with your school or school district for coaching openings.
  2. Apply for coaching positions that align with your sports expertise.
  3. Prepare training plans and strategies to enhance the team’s performance.
  4. Dedicate time and effort to coaching while enjoying the physical activity and connecting with students.

45. Take Odd Jobs on TaskRabbit

TaskRabbit is a platform that connects individuals with local tasks and odd jobs. Teachers can take on short, one-time tasks like assembling furniture or painting fences to earn extra income.

Teachers can leverage their time management and problem-solving skills to complete tasks efficiently. Their ability to follow instructions and work independently is valuable.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings on TaskRabbit vary depending on the type and complexity of tasks. Taskers set their rates and can earn additional income through tips.

Getting Started:

  1. Download the TaskRabbit app and sign up as a Tasker.
  2. Create a profile highlighting your skills and availability.
  3. Browse available tasks in your area and choose ones that fit your schedule.
  4. Complete tasks, earn income, and build a reputation for quality work.

46. Offer Tech Support

 Teachers with tech-savvy skills can offer tech support services to friends, family, and community members. This side hustle involves troubleshooting computers, smartphones, and other devices.

Teachers can leverage their tech proficiency and ability to communicate complex concepts in a simple manner. Their patience and customer service skills are assets in tech support.

Average Earning Potential: Tech support earnings can vary, with rates typically ranging from $25 per hour and up. Earnings may also depend on the complexity of the issues resolved.

Getting Started:

  1. Offer your tech support services to friends, family, and acquaintances.
  2. Create a profile on platforms like TaskRabbit or other freelance job boards to find tech support gigs.
  3. Advertise your services through word-of-mouth and social networks to attract clients.
  4. Provide efficient and effective tech support to build a loyal client base.

47. Answer Questions Online

 Teachers can monetize their knowledge and expertise by answering questions online. Platforms like JustAnswer and FixYa connect experts with individuals seeking answers and solutions to various topics and issues.

Teachers can leverage their subject expertise and problem-solving skills to provide valuable answers. Their ability to communicate effectively is crucial in helping users.

Average Earning Potential: Earnings from answering questions online depend on the number and complexity of questions answered. Compensation may be provided per answer or chat session.

Getting Started:

  1. Sign up as an expert on platforms like JustAnswer or FixYa.
  2. Specify your areas of expertise and availability for answering questions.
  3. Respond to user inquiries promptly and provide accurate solutions.
  4. Build a positive reputation by delivering high-quality answers and earning user trust.

48. Earn Passive Income through Investments

 Teachers can secure their financial future by investing their spare money in stocks, bonds, or other investment vehicles. Even small investments over time can lead to substantial growth in net worth.

Teachers can leverage their financial literacy and discipline to make informed investment decisions. Their ability to save and invest wisely is crucial for long-term financial stability.

Average Earning Potential: Investment earnings depend on factors like the chosen investments, market performance, and duration. Over time, investments can significantly grow in value.

Getting Started:

  1. Open a brokerage account with a reputable firm like Vanguard, Schwab, or TD Ameritrade.
  2. Research and select suitable investment options based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  3. Begin investing your extra earnings regularly, even if it’s a small amount.
  4. Monitor and adjust your investment portfolio as needed to maximize returns and achieve financial freedom.

Final thoughts

The above mentioned side hustles for teachers will not only contribute to financial stability but also highlight the adaptability and resourcefulness of educators. Whether through tutoring, crafting, coaching, or investing, teachers continue to shape their financial futures while leaving a lasting impact on the world of education. These opportunities empower teachers to excel both inside and outside the classroom, reaffirming their dedication to their profession and financial well-being.

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