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38 Financial Memes that will make you Laugh

A financial meme is a visual representation of a truth about money that’s either entertaining or informative. They’re fun to create and share, and because they’re visual, they get a lot more attention than other types of content. They’re also an excellent way to educate your audience—because you can put them in context and explain why they’re important.

A meme is a repeated idea, image, or phrase that spreads like wildfire. These ideas can be positive, negative, or neutral. The most popular memes tend to be the ones that resonate with people on a subconscious level.

Financial memes are no different, but there are some specific memes that will make you a smarter and more financially savvy person. If you’ve always wanted to be financially astute, these memes might be the things that push you to start being a more disciplined saver.

There is nothing more important in life than money, and nothing more important in money than accounting.

“Money is a funny thing,” said Warren Buffett. “It’s one of those things that is only interesting when you don’t have it.” This may sound like a truism, but the truth is, money can bring out the best or worst in us.

People love memes. Especially if it’s funny. When the financial world gets a little too serious and dull, memes bring a dose of humor that lightens the mood. Here are five of our favorite financial memes that we hope will inspire you to make smarter financial decisions, save some money, or just enjoy life a little more.

38 Financial Memes about money

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Memes for someone who is broke enough to not even PAY attention 🙂

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Pessimist will book a bad debt while lending money to you

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Because all your relatives need their share from your inheritance

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But this cost is worth it…

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This is perhaps true, a penny saved is a penny earned

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When you are meeting your targets but suddenly you hear that the managements has increased the targets for next term

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This is the best approach of staying out of debt. Just boycott all items which you can’t afford.

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Because accountants hardly get chance to socialize with the outer world.

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Because its difficult to predict the future in financial markets.

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This is true because auditors mostly rely on the last year working papers instead focusing on the circumstances in their purview

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This is a fun way to say that accountants cant do anything but crunching numbers

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Depreciation is an accounting term meaning reduction in value of an asset over time.

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This is bit of a stereotype for accountants 🙂

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When you are broke, everything is expensive to you

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If you are lazy, this could be your best excuse. In fact its true to some extent as if you go out you may find yourself buying unnecessary stuff that you don’t need.

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Because the lenders will get their car back and you will eventually come back on your feet.

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In conclusion, there are a lot of financial memes floating around the internet. Many of them are true. Others, not so much. So, let’s look at four financial memes and see if they actually help or hurt you when it comes to managing your money.

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